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09 April 2013

UPTET Exam for URDU Teacher in UP June 2013

Jobslip.in exclusive brought this news to all those candidates who are waiting UPTET exam 2013 notification. We would like to inform you that state government of uttar pradesh now going to held a different type of Teacher Eligibility Exam for the recruitment URDU teacher in UP. UPTET exam June 2013 for Urdu teacher will be conducted by exam regulatory authority UP. Exact exam date of UP TET 2013 for URDU post yet not declared officially but most probably it will be held in the month of June 2013. Government intension showing that results of Urdu TET exam will be out in the last week for June 2013 and URDU teacher will be appointed from July 2013.
Government now discovered a new way to appoint Urdu Teacher as assistant teacher post. State government previous year decide they will appoint Urdu teacher in government primary school in the matting which was held on 4 December 2012. In this meeting cabinet appoint CM to authorized person for taking decision on this matter. Finally yesterday Chief minister given the approval on UP URDu teacher recruitment 2013. Yesterday cabinet suspended the rule of Up Teacher service 1981 section 17(1). Cabinet also has taken a decision that a separate tet will be held for Urdu teacher in which a separate question paper will be asked related for concerning languages.

Question paper Pattern and syllabus will be as are follows
Subjects: Language Efficiency test, Essay writing, Grammar , compression, Teacher methodology , child pedagogy ,
Total No of Question : 150
Total marks: 150
Qualifying marks / cutoff marks : 60 % .
Eligibility Criteria : moallim E Udu certificate from Aligarh Muslim university AMU 
Total post : 4280 assistant teacher in government primary school
How to Apply: candidates can fill application from through the official website of Up education department .
Jobslip.in will post direct link of application form submission here.

Tentative dates of URDU TET 2013 As are follows
Notification and advertisement will be publish : last week of April
Last date of online form submission : end of may
URDU TET exam date : 1st week of June
Result date : last week of June 2013

Their will be no question from  math and science subjects


  1. what are the suggestive readings to qualify urdu assistnt teacher exam??
    Any special book

  2. what are the suggestive readings to qualify urdu assistnt teacher exam??
    Any special book


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