Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur (DDU ) now going to conduct a common written entrance exam for the admission B.ed program. DDU Gorakhpur will held B.ed Joint entrance examination on 24 April 2013. Today we uploaded a lot model paper / sample question paper which will be helpful for your coming bed entrance exam 2013. we will uploaded more question paper with solution and answer which was asked on previous year bed examination so keep on checking to
Q Jammu and Kashmir is located from bank of following river
A Chinab B Raavi C Vyas D Jhelam
Answer :D
Q Largest Indian Dam is –
A bhakra Dam B nagarjuna Dam C Hirakud Dam D Kosi dam
Answer : C
Q Rani Lakshmi bai dam is located
A on Betva river B ken River C Rihnd river D Tons River
Answer: A
Q Vivekananda Participated in world religious summits in
A 1893 B 1895 C 1897 D 1899
Answer : A
Q Founder of Yog darshan is
A Kapil B Gautam C Patanjali D jaimini
Answer : C
Q which of the following philosophy founder by kapil Muni
A poorva mimansa B uttar Mimansa C Sankhya Mimamsa D nyay Darshan
Answer: C
Q Losang Festival celebrated in
A Tibet B arunachal pradesh C sikkim D Kerala
Answer: C
Q Bihu festival celebrated in which of the following states
A Wet Bengal B Maharashtra C Assam D Tamil Nadu
Answer : C
Q Kornak Temple is situate at
A orissa B Gujrat C karnatka D Madhya pradesh
Answer : A
Q Kailash temple of ellora was made by
A Chol b chalukya C pallav D Rasthra Koot
Q oldest Indian script is
A Sindhi B prakrit C kharoshthi D BrahmiAnswer
Answer : D
Q maximum post office in world found in
A Indian B Japan C China D France
Answer: A
Q a pressure is inside soap bubble –
A more then pressure of atmospheric pressure
B less then pressure of atmospheric pressure
C Equal to pressure of atmospheric pressure
D half of pressure of atmospheric pressure
Answer : A
Q if mass of earth remains constant, and radius of earth decreased up to 1% then value of g will be on earth surface will be
A 0.5% increased B 2% will be increased C 0.5% decreased D 2% decreased
Answer : B
Q Jammu and Kashmir is located from bank of following river
A Chinab B Raavi C Vyas D Jhelam
Answer :D
Q Largest Indian Dam is –
A bhakra Dam B nagarjuna Dam C Hirakud Dam D Kosi dam
Answer : C
Q Rani Lakshmi bai dam is located
A on Betva river B ken River C Rihnd river D Tons River
Answer: A
Q Vivekananda Participated in world religious summits in
A 1893 B 1895 C 1897 D 1899
Answer : A
Q Founder of Yog darshan is
A Kapil B Gautam C Patanjali D jaimini
Answer : C
Q which of the following philosophy founder by kapil Muni
A poorva mimansa B uttar Mimansa C Sankhya Mimamsa D nyay Darshan
Answer: C
Q Losang Festival celebrated in
A Tibet B arunachal pradesh C sikkim D Kerala
Answer: C
Q Bihu festival celebrated in which of the following states
A Wet Bengal B Maharashtra C Assam D Tamil Nadu
Answer : C
Q Kornak Temple is situate at
A orissa B Gujrat C karnatka D Madhya pradesh
Answer : A
Q Kailash temple of ellora was made by
A Chol b chalukya C pallav D Rasthra Koot
Q oldest Indian script is
A Sindhi B prakrit C kharoshthi D BrahmiAnswer
Answer : D
Q maximum post office in world found in
A Indian B Japan C China D France
Answer: A
Q a pressure is inside soap bubble –
A more then pressure of atmospheric pressure
B less then pressure of atmospheric pressure
C Equal to pressure of atmospheric pressure
D half of pressure of atmospheric pressure
Answer : A
Q if mass of earth remains constant, and radius of earth decreased up to 1% then value of g will be on earth surface will be
A 0.5% increased B 2% will be increased C 0.5% decreased D 2% decreased
Answer : B
what is the answer of kailash temple of ellora was made by........