Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) conducted a common written examination on on 4 may 2013 for the admission in MBBS, BDS , B.tech, BE , B.sc and some other program. Every year KEA conduct a common entrance test for the admission to professional courses in Karnataka state . Admission in various program being done through KCET merit / Rank. For example you want to take admission in MBBS / BDS program then you have to require rank of PCB Subject in CET. By taking marks in equal proportion in qualifying examination CET in PCM subject you will be able to take admission in BE / B.tech.
All candidates who recently participated in karnataka CET examination 2013 which was held on 4 may 2013 now they can download the answer key. KEA official uploaded the answer key of Physics, Chemistry math and Biology subject of all sets.
You can download the official answer key at official website of KEA CET 2013
After checking your marks you can analyze your marks with previous year Opening and closing rank, colleges wise, category wise which is available kea website. We will also upload the expected cutoff marks for medical and engineering program here. Expected cutoff marks and rank predictor will be available here shortly
KCET results 2913 | karnataka CET results
KEA will publish exam result of KCET 2013 on 27 may 2013. you can subscribe your emails for receiving the notification of results declaration.
All candidates who recently participated in karnataka CET examination 2013 which was held on 4 may 2013 now they can download the answer key. KEA official uploaded the answer key of Physics, Chemistry math and Biology subject of all sets.
You can download the official answer key at official website of KEA CET 2013
After checking your marks you can analyze your marks with previous year Opening and closing rank, colleges wise, category wise which is available kea website. We will also upload the expected cutoff marks for medical and engineering program here. Expected cutoff marks and rank predictor will be available here shortly
KCET results 2913 | karnataka CET results
KEA will publish exam result of KCET 2013 on 27 may 2013. you can subscribe your emails for receiving the notification of results declaration.
Download Answer key answer sheet question paper solution
official website: of result declaration and cutoff list : http://kea.kar.nic.in/ http://karresults.nic.in/
Newsby :jobSlip.in
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