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25 January 2013

SET exam Result 7 October 2012 Date Cutoff

Set exam is the acronym of state eligibility test. SET is conducted on state level for the recruitment of lecture in state university. Bharathiar University (BU) conducted SET exam in tamil nadu. Tamilnadu State eligibility test 2012 (SET October 2012 ) was held by BU on 7 October 2013 at various centers. Jobslip.in brought latest news update for SET Results 2012. its expectation that set 2012 results will be out in the month of February 2013 .  you can subscribe your email or post your comment for instant notification of BU SET result 2012 declaration. BU set conducted for determine the eligibility  for lecture for Indian citizen to ensure the minimum stander for teaching profession. SET is conducted for various stream subjects like Art, science, social science, education and commerce subjects
Now answer key available on the official website B-U set of all booklet set of all subject. you can download it from the official website http://set.b-u.ac.in please post you cutoff and no of question you have attempted in set question paper. It would be helpful for use to analyze the expected cutoff marks for set 2012

However pre declare qualifying marks set exam October 2012 as are follows
For GENERAL candidates paper 1 cutoff will be 40% out of 100, Paper 40%, paper 5 out of 150.
For OBC/DT/NT/ SBC paper 1 35 %, paper II 25%, paper 3     67.5
PH/VH paper 1 cutoff 35%, paper 2 35 %, paper 60
SC/ST paper 1 35, paper 2 35, paper 60

All the best for your results. Jobslip.in will inform you here when ever set results will be out

1 comment:

  1. my m.a. english is 53.70per. may i apear in exam?


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