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22 April 2013

UPSEE Cutoff and Results 2013 Answer Key

Gautam Buddh Technical University (GBTU), Lucknow conducted a common written exam on 21 April 2013 for the admission is various program like B.tech/ MBA /MCA / . on 21 April , paper 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, was held for the admission in various programs.

UPSEE results 2013 by GBTU /MTU (UPTU)
The results of UPSEE-2013 along with answer keys will be declared on or before 30th May, 2013. Based on performance of the candidates in UPSEE-2013, separate merit lists will be prepared for
each course. Merit position, score-card with total marks and marks obtained in each subject shall
be available on website after the declaration of the result

Rank Predictor 1 – 4500  
Institute of Engineering & Technology, Lucknow
Institute of Engg. & Rural Technology, Allahabad
Central Institute of Plastic Engineering & Technology, Lucknow

M.M.M. Engineering College, Gorakhpur
Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jhansi.

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Engineering College of Information Technology, Bijnore
Manyar Kansi Ram Engineering College of Information Technology, Azamgarh
Manyar Kansi Ram Engineering College of Information Technology, Ambedkar Nagar

1 – 4500 CS Branch in any colleges
4501-8000 Mechanical branch in any colleges
8001-14000 Electronics branch in any colleges
14001-20000 Electrical branch in any colleges
20001-28000 Civil engineers in Any colleges

What your rank ask your questions ?

Answer key of UPSEE 2013 will be published by jobslip.in shortly . subscribed your emails for results and cutoff notification rank wise.

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